A Powerful Biocide powder with the ability to disinfect, absorb and protect animals from disease, ammonia build up as well as parasitic infestations.
For use in all Animal Housing, Barns, Stables, Coops, Hutches and Litter.
Advantages of Stalosan F
Animal pens contain elevated levels of moisture, pathogens, high levels of ammonia and a high environmental pH.
The high concentration of active substances and antimicrobial mineral acids in Stalosan F are proven to kill pathogens, neutralise ammonia, lower the pH and keep the environment dry.
Broad spectrum disinfection that provides ongoing protection against pathogens and harmful waste products during the full animal production cycle
Active in presence of organic materials with an effect that lasts for a full week
Contains more than 95% active ingredients that lower the infection level and reduce the pH in animal sheds
Eliminates pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites)
Neutralises the ammonia and hydrogen sulphide that can negatively impact respiratory health and welfare
Ensures a natural low pH-value in the animal environment and strengthens the animal’s resistance to infection
Powerful effect with a low dosage makes it cost effective

Stalosan F vs Limestone Based Drying Agents
Stalosan F is the global market leader in powdered disinfectants for animal facilities and does not contain limestone (calcium carbonate). Limestone based drying agents have a pH of 9-10 which is corrosive to materials and will increase the risk of skin infections for animals that come in direct contact with the product. Beware of imitations and limestone based drying agents that have no direct effect on pathogens or ammonia.

By hand or hand held fertiliser spreader

VINK Drill powered spreader.

NEW Battery, backpack spreader